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方传峰,男,199011月生,山东省泰安市人,汉族,讲师,2015-2018年中南大学资源与安全工程学院硕士,2019-2022年中南大学土木工程学院博士,湖南科技大学矿业工程博士后流动站博士后(合作导师:余伟健/梅国雄)。主要研究方向:岩体与颗粒破碎,颗粒形状表征与重构,岩土材料多尺度细观力学行为,离散元模拟及其软件开发。以第一作者和通讯作者在Acta Geotechnica、Computers and Geotechnics、Transportation Geotechnics等国内外权威期刊发表SCI检索论文10篇(中科院一区TOP期刊论文4篇,二区论文4篇,三区论文2篇),CSCD核心论文2篇,国际会议论文1篇;以第一或第二发明人身份申请国家发明4项,授权3项。目前担任Engineering with Computers、Computational Particle MechanicsScience process、《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》《水利水电技术》等国内外期刊审稿专家。主持中南大学研究生自主探索创新项目1项,参与各类课题多项。



[1] 中南大学研究生创新项目(2021zzts0236),动静荷载与颗粒形状对颗粒材料的破碎影响及破碎导致的材料力学行为变化研究(2021.05-2022.04),主持;

[2] 湖南科技大学科研启动项目(E523C7),孔洞因素对多孔类岩石材料力学性能与破坏特征影响研究,(2023-01至2019-12),主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51809292),土石混合体的宏细观动力特性及其边坡的地震失稳渐进破坏研究(2019.01-2022.12),参与;

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51978531),强震作用下易破碎粒状土动力特性、液化机理及沉降预测模型研究(2019.01-2023.12),参与;

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51478481):基于压路机-土体非线性系统动力响应的压实质量连续检测方法研究(2015.05-2018.12),参与。

Ø 代表性论文

[1] Fang Chuanfeng, Guoxiong Mei, Weijian Yu et al. DEM for investigating the mechanical properties of porous rock-like materials under uniaxial compression [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 170. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院1区, TOP)

[2] Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, Nie Zhihong, et al. Effect of the intermediate principal stress on the mechanical behaviour of breakable granular materials with realistic particle models [J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 1-18. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院1区,TOP)

[3] Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, Nie Zhihong, et al. DEM study on the microscale and macroscale shear behaviours of granular materials with breakable and irregularly shaped particles[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 137: 104271. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院1区, Top)

[4] Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, Jia Mingtao, et al. DEM simulation of the shear behaviour of breakable granular materials with various angularities[J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2021, 32(11): 4058-4069. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院2区)

[5] Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, Nie Zhihong, et al. Discrete element simulations of the effects of multicontact loading on single particle crushing [J]. Particuology, 2022, 49: 49-60. (SCI, JCR-Q2, 中科院2区)

[6] Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, Nie Zhihong, et al. Investigating the effects of elongation and flatness on the shear behaviour of breakable granular materials via the DEM [J]. Granular Matter, 2022, 24(3): 1-23. (SCI, JCR-Q2, 中科院3区)

[7] 方传峰,王晋淼,李剡兵,等.基于PFC2D-DFN的自然崩落法数值模拟研究 [J].黄金科学技术, 2019,27(02):189-198. (CSCD)

[8] 方传峰,余传玉,史存丁,等.基于FLAC3D模型动态更新的自然崩落法开采过程模拟技术[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2018,14(05): 89-94. (CSCD)

[9] 方传峰,聂志红,刘维正,等. 颗粒圆度对路基填料振动压实影响的离散元分析 [C]. 世界交通运输大会.西安, 2021:460-469. (国际会议论文集)

[10] Nie Zhihong, Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, et al. DEM study on the effect of roundness on the shear behaviour of granular materials[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 121(1): 103457. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院1区, Top)

[11] Nie Zhihong, Fang Chuanfeng, Gong Jian, et al. Exploring the effect of particle shape caused by erosion on the shear behaviour of granular materials via the DEM[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 202: 1-11. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院2区, Top)

[12] Nie Yuxing, Fang Chuanfeng*(通讯作者), Gong Jian, et al. DEM study on the Micro- and macro-mechanical behavior of breakable granular materials under cycle loading[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 38:100915. (SCI, 中科院2区,JCR-Q1)

[13] Nie, Zhihong, Huang Chuhan, Fang Chuanfeng*(通讯作者), et al. Influence of the interparticle friction coefficient on the mechanical behaviour of breakable granular materials with realistic shape. Advanced Powder Technology, 34.11 (2023): 104223. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院2区)

[14] Zhang Tao, Wang Sui, Fang Chuanfeng, et al. Microscopic mechanical analysis of K 0 of granular soils with particle size distribution and rolling resistance effects[J]. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2024, 11(3): 1007-1020. SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院3区)

[15] Liu Shunkai, Liao, Fang Chuanfeng, et al. Study on the influence of coarse aggregate distribution uniformity on the compaction characteristics of gap-graded gravels. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 170, 106293. (SCI, JCR-Q1, 中科院1区, TOP)

[16] Genshui Wu,Weijian Yu, Bao Pan. Fang Chuanfeng, et al. (2024). Investigate on the mechanical properties and microscopic three-dimensional morphology of rock failure surfaces under different stress states. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources.

[17] Muhammad Hamza, Nie Zhihong, Fang Chuanfeng, et al. Geotechnical behavior of high-plastic clays treated with biopolymer: macro–micro-study [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2023, 82(3): 91. (SCI, 中科院4区,JCR-Q2)

[18] Muhammad Hamza, Nie Zhihong, Fang Chuanfeng, et al. Geotechnical properties of problematic expansive subgrade stabilized with guar gum biopolymer [J]. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2023, 1-21. (SCI, 中科院4区,JCR-Q2)

[19] Muhammad Hamza, Nie Zhihong, Fang Chuanfeng, et al. Stabilization of Problematic Expansive Clays Using Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement[J]. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(4) (英文EI).


[1] 方传峰,聂志红,贾明涛,等. 一种实现单颗粒破碎强度weibull分布精准控制的离散元模型构建方法[P]. 湖南省:CN112380736A,2021-02-19.(发明专利,授权)

[2] 方传峰,聂志红,贾明涛,等. 一种基于真实颗粒形状的离散元可破碎颗粒模型建模方法[P]. 湖南省:CN114818427A, 2023-07-29.(发明专利,授权)

[3] 贾明滔,方传峰,鲁芳,等. 矿岩崩落过程模拟方法及系统[P]. 湖南省:CN108804792B8,2020-09-22.(发明专利,授权)

[4] 赵铁永,方传峰, 余伟健, 等. 种实现多孔颗粒数值模型精准构建的方法[P]. 湖南省 (发明专利,公示)


[1] 中国煤炭协会煤炭行业教学成果奖(研究生类)二等奖,2024年,行业级,排名:7/7

[2] 湖南科技大学煤炭行业教学成果奖(研究生类)特等奖,2024,校级,排名:7/7

[3] 中南大学优秀学生,2021,校级

[4] 中南大学校长(创新)奖学金,2021,校级

[5] 中南大学优秀学生,2020,校级

[6] 中南大学校长(创新)奖学金,2021,校级

Ø 学术报告:

[1] 方传峰,颗粒圆度对路基填料振动压实影响的离散元分析,世界交通运输大会,中国西安,2021.06.15-2021.06.18

[2] 方传峰,基于PFC-DFN的自然崩落法数值模拟研究,全国科学采矿与矿压理论会议,湖南省湘潭市,2024.07.19-2024.07.21。

[3] 方传峰,多孔类岩石材料力学特性与破坏特征数值模拟研究,富矿精开科技创新研讨会,贵州省六盘水市,2024.08.14-2024.08.16.

Ø 联系方式



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