1、 环保型泡沫灭火剂性能调控机制与理论模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,52176146,在研,参与。
2、 重特大石化火灾灭火关键技术和灭火装备研制,湖南省重点研发计划项目,2020SK2057,已结题,参与。
3、 大跨度消防车臂架结构防火保护设计和消防车灭火效能研究,三㇐集团股份有限公司项目,已结题,参与。
4、 耐火电缆材料耐火机理理论模型研究试验方案,金杯电工股份有限公司项目,已结题,参与。
[1] Kang Wendong, Xu Zhisheng, Yan Long*, Lu Yi, You Bo, Liu Yong, Shi Yu. Preparation of fluorine-free foam extinguishing agent based on silicone and hydrocarbon surfactants for markedly suppressing the pool fire. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023, 40, 101761. (JCR分区:Q1)
[2] Wendong Kang, Long Yan*, Faxing Ding, Xing Guo, Zhisheng Xu. Effect of polysaccharide polymers on the surface and foam properties of aqueous film-forming foam. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2021, 45, 100540. (JCR分区:Q1)
[3] Faxing Ding, Wendong Kang, Long Yan*, Zhisheng Xu, Xing Guo. Influence of gas–liquid ratio on the fire extinguishing efficiency of compressed gas protein foam in diesel pool fire. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, 146(3): 1465-1472. (JCR分区:Q1)
[4] Wendong Kang, Long Yan*, Faxing Ding, Xu Zhisheng. Experimental study on fire-extinguishing efficiency of protein foam in diesel pool fire. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2019, 16,100557. (JCR分区:Q1)
[5] Yong Wang*, Wendong Kang, (…), Shaoxiang Li. Combustion behaviour and dominant shrinkage mechanism of flexible polyurethane foam in the cone calorimeter test. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 365: 395-404. (JCR分区:Q1)
[6] Yong Wang*, Wendong Kang, (…), Shaoxiang Li. Development of a pendant experiment using melt indexer for correlation with the large‐size dripping in the UL‐94 test[J]. Fire and materials, 2018, 42(4): 436-446. (JCR分区:Q4)
[7] Yong Wang*, Wendong Kang, (…), Feng Zhang. Chemical modification of alkyd resin by a DOPO derivative and its flame retardancy[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 135(01), 45643. (JCR分区:Q2)
[8] 康文东, 徐志胜, 丁发兴, 颜龙*. 多糖聚合物对环保型泡沫灭火剂理化性能的影响[J]. 应用化工, 2022, 51(05): 1219-1225. (CSCD)
[9] 康文东, 张筱毓, 陈超, 王勇*. 密度对聚氨酯软泡收缩及燃烧行为的影响[J]. 火灾科学, 2018, 27(02): 78-84. (CSCD)
[10] 康文东, 程广森, 付园园, 王勇*. 双键含量对醇酸树脂固化热的影响[J]. 电镀与涂饰, 2017, 36(02): 86-89. (CSCD)
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