主要研究方向为工业燃烧与爆炸灾害防治、煤矿瓦斯灾害防治、安全管理与评价。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、湖南省教育厅项目2项、湖南省科技厅项目2项,作为主要人员参与国家自然科学基金项目5项,参与完成省部级与横向科研项目10余项。在《Applied thermal engineering》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Energy science and engineering》、《Processes》、《Sustainability》、《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》、《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering [China]》、《Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves》、《Advances in Civil Engineering》、《中国安全科学学报》、《矿业工程研究》等刊物及国际会议上发表论文60余篇。
(1) Zhenzhen Jia, Qing Ye, HaizhenWang, He Li and Shiliang Shi. Numerical Simulation of a New Porous Medium Burner with Two Sections and Double Decks[J]. Processes 2018, 6(185):1-18.
(2) Qing Ye, Geoff Wang, Zhenzhen Jia, Chunshan Zheng, Weijun Wang. Similarity simulation of mining-crack-evolution characteristics of overburden strata in deep coal mining with large dip[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 165 (2018): 477-487.
(3) Zhenzhen Jia, Qing Ye. Numerical Simulation on Thermal Shock Stress of Gas Explosion on Duct Wall with Different Thermal Conductivities[J]. COMPENDIUM, paperASIA.2018.10(4):34-38.
(4) Jia zhenzhen. Yeqing. Analysis on shock destruction characteristics of roadway wall caused by gas explosions under different gas filling volumes[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2017. Vol. 23, Bund. 16, pp. 5877-5885.
(5)Qing Ye, ZhenZhen Jia, Chunshan Zheng. Study on Hydraulic-controlled Blasting Technology for Pressure Relief and Permeability Improvement in a Deep Hole[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 159 (2017) 433–442.
(6)贾真真,冯涛。煤巷掘进过程煤层瓦斯运移规律的数值模拟[J],矿业工程研究,2015,30 (2):17-21.
(7) Jia Zhenzhen, Feng Tao. Numerical simulation on methane explosion propagation in a one-dimensional straight duct with porous metal materials[J], Computer Modelling & New Technologies, 2014, 18(5):275-282.
(8) Jia Zhenzhen, Feng Tao. Study on explosion characteristics of coal gangue hills[C], International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014),Xi'an: 924-927.
(9) Jia Zhenzhen, Feng Tao. Gas Explosion Characteristics and Its Control Measures in Closed Fire Zone[J], Computer Modelling & New Technologies, 2014, 18(3):21-25.
(10) ZhenZhen JIA, Qing YE, Wei LIU, Yi LU, Tangrui WU, Zhuohua YANG, Shaofei ZHU. Numerical Simulation on Shock Failure Characteristics of Pipe Surface with Different Radii under Gas Explosion[C]. 8th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering. Procedia Engineering, 2018,V211:288-296.
(11) Jia Zhenzhen, Ye Qing, Feng Tao. Hazards evaluation model of methane explosion based on BP ANN[C], 2010 Progress in Safety Science and Technology(VIII), Hangzhou:325-331.
(12)Zhenzhen Jia, Tao Feng. Analysis on explosion characteristics of coal gangue hills [C]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959: 924-927. (EI检索号:20142917960974)
(13).Zhenzhen Jia, Tao Feng, Qing Ye, Chunshan Zheng. Analysis on Minimum Reserved Thickness of Safe Rock Pillar during Uncovering Coal Seam in Rock Crosscut[J]. ACTA Technica. 2017,62(5B):557-568.
(14)Ye, Qing. Zhenzhen. Jia. Effect of the bifurcating duct on the gas explosion propagation characteristics[J]. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2014,50(4): 424-428.
(15) Qing Ye, Geoff G.X. Wang, Zhenzhen Jia, Chunshan Zheng. Experimental study on the influence of wall heat effect on gas explosion and its propagation[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. V118, 25 May 2017:392–397
(16)Qing Ye, Zhenzhen Jia, Yi Lu and Yadong Zhang. Hydraulic Flushing Technology and Its Practice in Outburst Coal Seam with High Gas and Low Permeability[J]. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. ISSN 1791-2377:V8,N4, 2015:118-124.
(17)Ye Qing, Zhenzhen Jia & Zhaojun Tian. Reform of the course, Analysis of Disaster Accidents in Mines, based on discussion teaching[J], World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education(ISSN 1446-2257) Vol.13, No.3, 2015:357-362.
(18)YE Qing, JIA Zhen-zhen, PI Yan, WANG Hai-zhen. Analysis on Sealing Method and Sealing Materials of Gas Drainage Borehole[C]. 2013 2nd International Conference on Materials Science & Technology (ICMST 2013)
(19)Qing Ye , Zhenzhen Jia, Haizhen Wang, Yan Pi. Characteristics and Control Technology of Gas Explosion in Gob of Coal Mines[J], Disaster advance,July2013,6(S3):112-118.
(20)Q. Ye, Z.Z. Jia, H.Z. Wang & Y. Pi. Gas drainage technology of upper corner by inner interlocked low tail laneway in working face with extraordinarily high gas emission[C], The 2nd International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering. Beijing, China September 21-23, 2013.185-190.
(21)Ye Qing, Jia ZhenZhen, Lin Baiquan. Theoretical Analysis and Practical Study on Reasonable Water Pressure of Hydro-fracturing[R], First International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering, 2011.10:1141-1149.
(22)Qing YE , Zhen-zhen JIA, Wei LIU, Tang-rui WU, Yi LU. Numerical Simulation on Destruction Process of Ventilation Door by Gas Explosion. 8th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering[J]. Procedia Engineering, 2018,V211:934-944.
(23)贾真真,叶青. 不同瓦斯爆炸强度作用下管道壁面冲击破坏特征数值模拟[J]. 矿山工程, 2017, 5(3), 32-42.
(24). Li, S.; Jia, Zhenzhen.; Ye, Q. Study on Dynamic Response of Damper under Gas Explosion Impact[J]. Sustainability 2023, 15, 3356. // doi.org/10.3390/su15043356.
(25) Jia, Zhenzhen.; Ye, Q.; Li, H. Damage Assessment of Roadway Wall Caused by Dynamic and Static Load Action of Gas Explosion[J]. Processes 2023, 11, 580. // doi.org/10.3390/pr11020580.
(26) Jia, Zhenzhen.; Tao, F.; Ye, Q. Experimental Research on Coal-Gas Outburst Prevention by Injection Liquid Freezing during Uncovering Coal Seam in Rock Crosscut[J]. Sustainability 2023, 15, 1788. //doi.org/10.3390/su15031788.
(27) Haohao Zhang, Zhenzhen Jia, Qing Ye, Yu C and Shujuan L (2022), Numerical simulation on influence of initial pressures on gas explosion propagation characteristics in roadway[J].Frontiers in Energy Research. 10:913045. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.913045.
(28)丁文学,叶青,贾真真,王维建. H型隧道双爆源气体爆炸传播特性模拟研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术. 2024,20(4):122-128. Doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2024.04.017.
(29)许婷婷, 贾真真, 叶青, 杨颖倩, 刘佳林. 基于免疫机理的煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故预警[J]. 矿山工程, 2024, 12(3): 580-592. DOI: 10.12677/me.2024.123069.
(30)杨颖倩, 贾真真, 叶青, 许婷婷, 刘佳林. 加油站安全氛围对员工安全行为的影响[J]. 现代管理, 2024, 14(6): 1228-1238. DOI: 10.12677/mm.2024.146143.
(31)贾真真,叶青,施式亮,鲁义,李贺,李敏. “安全管理学”课程教学现状及改革进展分析. 当代教育理论与实践. 2023,15(9):80-85.